Hello, Escapers!

When I created this blog I had no intention to continue with it. It's purpose was purely practical - sending an information instantly on the web. However, I got a response immediately and it seemed like fun. I don't think that this blog will evolve much in the near future, but the idea of keeping it caught my mind, so... I'm keeping it.
Here you can check out and play my favorite Room Escape Games and some other games I like.

See you all :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lion Cage escape



  1. Don't touch the lion. Turn right. Click the water bowl, take the key chain. On your left outside the cage, there is a grey thing, take it. It's a rock. Look at the door, next to the lock (to the right) there is a thing that looks like a wire. It's a hook, take it. Turn to the right.
  2. Put the stone between the lion's paws. Take the red thing, it's a MacGyver's knife. Use it on the lion's mane, you'll get a rope. Combine it with the hook. Turn right.
  3. Using the hook&rope, click on the small cage outside. You'll get a mouse. Look up, it's a map. The square thing is the cage you're in, the round thing is the tent. Turn right.
  4. Combine the mouse and the key chain. Remember the position of the red dot on the map? Using the mouse (not only the PC mouse), click the same position around the tent (somewhere to the left of it). See what the mouse will do. You know what to do next.

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