Hello, Escapers!

When I created this blog I had no intention to continue with it. It's purpose was purely practical - sending an information instantly on the web. However, I got a response immediately and it seemed like fun. I don't think that this blog will evolve much in the near future, but the idea of keeping it caught my mind, so... I'm keeping it.
Here you can check out and play my favorite Room Escape Games and some other games I like.

See you all :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Escape from the Homemade Room



  1. Note that you can move the chair. Click on two boxes on the shelves, get the brown bottle. Go back. With the chair in front of the shelves, click on top of the shelves, then click upper right corner, note the screw (you can't do anything with it now, you'll know when). Move the chair, click on the floor. Just so you know you can. Go back and right.
  2. Note the form on the wall, like something is there. Go back. While in this view, click behind the red cabinet, get the scissors. Go back and right. Click the white square on the door, just to know what should we look for. Go right.
  3. Since there's nothing on the table, click under it, take the cup. Go back once, click the lower right part of the carpet, take the paper (it's almost invisible in your inventory, but don't worry – it's there). Click the cushion, use the scissors on it while it's in the air. Take the screwdriver. Go back (twice) and right.
  4. With the chair in front of the shelves, click on top of them; use the screwdriver on the screw. Nothing will happen yet, but apparently you have to do that in order to proceed with the next step. Move the chair away from the shelves, go under them, select the cup and put it behind the legs (behind the angle where the two legs meet). Go back, put the chair back, use the screwdriver. Move away the chair, take the cup. It has water (or something) in it. Go back.
  5. Put the chair under the clock. Select the screwdriver, click the upper part of the clock, put the paper in place, click on the clock. Select the screwdriver again, take down the clock again, take the paper. It has a number on it. Go back and right.
  6. Go to the lines on the wall. Put the paper there, use the pencil. We got another number.
  7. We'll play with the inventory items now. Examine the brown bottle, use the scissors on it, then the screwdriver. Now we have powder. What can we do with that?
  8. Examine the paper, use the powder on it, now we have three numbers! We need one more.
  9. Use the cup on the paper and voila! We have four numbers! Remember the white square on the door?

You're out.

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