Hello, Escapers!

When I created this blog I had no intention to continue with it. It's purpose was purely practical - sending an information instantly on the web. However, I got a response immediately and it seemed like fun. I don't think that this blog will evolve much in the near future, but the idea of keeping it caught my mind, so... I'm keeping it.
Here you can check out and play my favorite Room Escape Games and some other games I like.

See you all :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cinderella and Prince



  1. Take the watering can. Click the bird. Just to know it can fly… Just joking, just to know you can use it. Go right.
  2. Nothing much here. Click the sweet little whatever-the-are creatures. Go right.
  3. Drag the knife to the grass, take the carrot. Drag the grass to the cow, take the cow's poo. Go right.
  4. Click the girl (on the right ;), she will put water into the can for you. Before giving you the can, she will water the plant and it will grow and give a pumpkin. Go left to the monkey.
  5. Put poo onto the load (or monkey), put water on top (?!?). Take the long chopper. Give the carrot to the horse. Go right.
  6. Use the chopper on the branch where the bottle is, take the bottle. Go left all the way.
  7. Give the bottle to the old man, take the stick. Go to the right all the way, give stick to the wizard women. Put the horse where it belongs. Take the pumpkin seed. Go left to the monkey.
  8. Give the seed to the sweet creature, take the clock. Go to the first scene.
  9. Use the chopper on the clock, give the clock to the bird. Take the shoe.
  10. Whether you give the shoe to the sun ghost or the girl, there are two different endings. There you go J

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