Hello, Escapers!

When I created this blog I had no intention to continue with it. It's purpose was purely practical - sending an information instantly on the web. However, I got a response immediately and it seemed like fun. I don't think that this blog will evolve much in the near future, but the idea of keeping it caught my mind, so... I'm keeping it.
Here you can check out and play my favorite Room Escape Games and some other games I like.

See you all :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lion Cage escape



  1. Don't touch the lion. Turn right. Click the water bowl, take the key chain. On your left outside the cage, there is a grey thing, take it. It's a rock. Look at the door, next to the lock (to the right) there is a thing that looks like a wire. It's a hook, take it. Turn to the right.
  2. Put the stone between the lion's paws. Take the red thing, it's a MacGyver's knife. Use it on the lion's mane, you'll get a rope. Combine it with the hook. Turn right.
  3. Using the hook&rope, click on the small cage outside. You'll get a mouse. Look up, it's a map. The square thing is the cage you're in, the round thing is the tent. Turn right.
  4. Combine the mouse and the key chain. Remember the position of the red dot on the map? Using the mouse (not only the PC mouse), click the same position around the tent (somewhere to the left of it). See what the mouse will do. You know what to do next.

Lab Escape



  1. Take the yellow key from under the carpet in the corner left of the door. Go back. Note that there are Chemo GAS detectors all over the place.
  2. Click the tall fridge-like grey thing right from the door. Click the green button, you'll see something above it, take it. Go back.
  3. Click the trash bin, there is something on the holder, it's a green key, take it. Go back and right.
  4. Click the broken glass, click the plug socket. There is something in one of the holes. It's a pin, take it. Go back. Click the grid, you'll see something like a pipe. Go back and to the left.
  5. Use the pin on the Centrifuge Pro, take the test tube. Go right twice.
  6. Use both keys on the safe (the green box on the floor). Use the card, take the glass. Go back and to the right.
  7. There is a gas mask under the chair, put it on. Put the test tube in the holder on the table. Pour the content of the safe into the test tube. Hm, not enough. Go left twice.
  8. Go to the tab, turn the handle to the right, go to the pipe behind the grid. Notice the water drops? Use the glass on them. Go back and right twice.
  9. Pour the water into the test tube. The Chemo GAS detectors picked up on the gas, the alarm is screaming! Go to the door.

You're out.

Kagi Nochi Tobira



Note: if you are too lazy to read, here is a video walkthrough (courtesy of my beloved FreeGamesNews.com): click here!

  1. Take the key and click on the door.
  2. Move the cursor in the lower part of the game screen, you'll notice a yellow line. Actually, you have a lamp and you are now searching for the key. Now go to the upper right part, a little under the "No. 2<QUIT" sign, there's the key. Take it and click on the door.
  3. Keys and doors will star falling. Focus on getting them. Take the key and click on the door.
  4. This level is fun. You can't see your cursor, but the numbers tell you when you are close (you don't have to wait to be 1, a 9 worked just fine for me). Or you can forget about the numbers and take your cursor out of the game screen and put it inside again trying to follow the line towards the key/door. Take the key and click on the door.
  5. This level is all about concentration and speed. Take the red circle, pull it up and try to get the key before it comes down again. Good luck!
  6. Well? What are you waiting for, press the up and down arrows! Not simultaneously, of course. Take the key and click on the door.
  7. Use the tank to get the key and to shoot the door. The aiming is not as it seems. For the key aim a little higher than the key. For the door aim in the upper part of the screen, somewhere close to the imaginary vertical line that would divide the screen in half. In other words, in the beginning of the right half of the screen.
  8. Click on the switch, think of everything you hate and start banging on the door. Take the key, click on the switch and click on the door. Hope you feel better… somehow… relieved… Ha?
  9. Click and hold left click and follow the arrows. Take the key, continue to follow the arrows. Click on the door.
  10. Keep clicking the switch, but not too fast – you need to click the spot where all of the lines meet in one dot (it sound scarier than it really is). You have to do it twice, obviously.
  11. Right click, select "I want a key" from menu. Take it. Right click, "I want the door". Click it.
  12. Well, this level might take quite a lot of your time if you don't focus. You can only progress step by step (that is: square by square) and you don't know where is the key nor where is the door. The good thing is that you don't die, it's not "game over" or any of that crap. You just have to remember where you found the key. Then find the door. Their positions will remain the same. Then try to click both of them in the time you're given. Of course, needless to say that you would have to click the key and then the door… right?
  13. This can be tricky. For the key, aim in the upper corner on the right side of the first quartern of the screen. You must click when the circle comes over the key (I would start clicking like crazy before it comes there). For the door, aim exactly in the position between the beginning of the vertical line (top part, that beginning) and the upper side of the screen. You can hit the door from other positions too, but this is the easiest one to explain. You agree without a doubt.
  14. Ah, the great old level 14! You can see that the numbers are piled up. Treat them as if they are written on tiles. When you move the circles, you can see that one tile appears on top and the rest of them follow. You have to figure out which one is first, second, third, and so on… and in the end, which one is on the bottom. As you discover, put the respective number in the squares in the column on the right.
    Apparently the combination changes, so I can't help you with that. In my case, the number was (from top to bottom) 6521034. That was the order of the numbers not by first appearance, but I started by which number appeared last, i.e. which number is on the bottom of the pile.
  15. Drag the horizontal yellow line to the left. The door will collapse. Take the key. Grab the door, hold the left click and move the cursor over the game screen line. You will hear a click and the door will stay up. Click on the spot that you noticed by now (it looks like a handle).
  16. Well, get ready. This level can be annoying for the impatient people. You have to keep up with the number on the left. Click the first domino, they will start falling making a distinctive noise. The number on the left changes from 0 to 1 and vice-versa. When you click the circle in between, the number on the left starts counting the dominoes. And I suggest that you do to if you want to finish this level. If the numbers you got don't match with the ones on the left, the counting starts over.
  17. Take the small vertical yellow thing on the right, put it on top of the long vertical yellow thing. Hit the big yellow square right in the middle. Take the key and click on the door.
  18. Type as fast as you can! Take the key. Type as fast as you can! Click on the door.
  19. Click and hold left click in the middle of the yellow shape (that will turn out to be that thing with drawers) and move quickly left and right few times until it turns around. Like every good and proud escaper, you will probably check the drawers (and find nothing) and check under- there is the key, take it. Click top right corner of the front side, you will get another view. Actually, this is a view to the door. Click the small orange dot.
  20. Click the yellow board. Check the time on your computer and set the numbers. Take the key. Click the yellow board again. You know what to do.

Eskkapee 2



  1. Move the plant, get the red key. Click on the fan several times and you'll see that you can change its direction. Point it towards the plant, click on the plant repeatedly until a paper drops. Take it. Go left.
  2. Check the drawers, take the pen and the metal thing (I can't remember the word in English). Use the red key on the bottom drawer and take the blue key. Go left.
  3. Use the blue key on the blue cabinet, take the piece of paper. While you're here, plug in the phone. Go left (or right) twice.
  4. Use the pen on the fan, use the metal thing from the drawer to take piece of paper. Go to the pink phone.
  5. If everything is plugged in, the screen should be white. Now dial the number (different in every game) from the paper you got from the blue cabinet (it should be on the first paper in you inventory, before the two papers). When you get a signal, go to the sofa (if you wait for the signal to stop, you get nothing), you will see a light coming from the cushion. Click on it, you'll get a mobile phone. It says "low battery". Go left.
  6. Unplug the base of the pink phone (take the cable out of the phone, not from the wall), plug the cell phone. Unplug it, it should ask for a pin code. Press the numbers from the second note, you will receive another code. Put the plug back into the pink phone, press the numbers from the last code. Go left.

You're out.

Escape from the Homemade Room



  1. Note that you can move the chair. Click on two boxes on the shelves, get the brown bottle. Go back. With the chair in front of the shelves, click on top of the shelves, then click upper right corner, note the screw (you can't do anything with it now, you'll know when). Move the chair, click on the floor. Just so you know you can. Go back and right.
  2. Note the form on the wall, like something is there. Go back. While in this view, click behind the red cabinet, get the scissors. Go back and right. Click the white square on the door, just to know what should we look for. Go right.
  3. Since there's nothing on the table, click under it, take the cup. Go back once, click the lower right part of the carpet, take the paper (it's almost invisible in your inventory, but don't worry – it's there). Click the cushion, use the scissors on it while it's in the air. Take the screwdriver. Go back (twice) and right.
  4. With the chair in front of the shelves, click on top of them; use the screwdriver on the screw. Nothing will happen yet, but apparently you have to do that in order to proceed with the next step. Move the chair away from the shelves, go under them, select the cup and put it behind the legs (behind the angle where the two legs meet). Go back, put the chair back, use the screwdriver. Move away the chair, take the cup. It has water (or something) in it. Go back.
  5. Put the chair under the clock. Select the screwdriver, click the upper part of the clock, put the paper in place, click on the clock. Select the screwdriver again, take down the clock again, take the paper. It has a number on it. Go back and right.
  6. Go to the lines on the wall. Put the paper there, use the pencil. We got another number.
  7. We'll play with the inventory items now. Examine the brown bottle, use the scissors on it, then the screwdriver. Now we have powder. What can we do with that?
  8. Examine the paper, use the powder on it, now we have three numbers! We need one more.
  9. Use the cup on the paper and voila! We have four numbers! Remember the white square on the door?

You're out.

Cinderella and Prince



  1. Take the watering can. Click the bird. Just to know it can fly… Just joking, just to know you can use it. Go right.
  2. Nothing much here. Click the sweet little whatever-the-are creatures. Go right.
  3. Drag the knife to the grass, take the carrot. Drag the grass to the cow, take the cow's poo. Go right.
  4. Click the girl (on the right ;), she will put water into the can for you. Before giving you the can, she will water the plant and it will grow and give a pumpkin. Go left to the monkey.
  5. Put poo onto the load (or monkey), put water on top (?!?). Take the long chopper. Give the carrot to the horse. Go right.
  6. Use the chopper on the branch where the bottle is, take the bottle. Go left all the way.
  7. Give the bottle to the old man, take the stick. Go to the right all the way, give stick to the wizard women. Put the horse where it belongs. Take the pumpkin seed. Go left to the monkey.
  8. Give the seed to the sweet creature, take the clock. Go to the first scene.
  9. Use the chopper on the clock, give the clock to the bird. Take the shoe.
  10. Whether you give the shoe to the sun ghost or the girl, there are two different endings. There you go J

Box Escape



  1. Click on the lines where the horizontal cushions meet the vertical cushions. Take the screwdriver. You'll check the TV later. Go right.
  2. Check the window. You'll see some letters on the bars. There is also a clue on how to use them. Go to the TV and click it. First you'll see some guy with rabbits. Click it again. You'll see Mike Phelps and two other names. Read on if you are too lazy to think.
  3. On the window bars there were C, P and L. Those are the initial letters of the surnames of the three swimmers. On the bars there is also ABC and #. That means to follow the number of the letters that are written on the bars: C is 3, P is 16 and L is 12. Use it where you are asked for a code. Or go right and read on.
  4. Put the code in the box under the bed. Take the wheel. Click the left side of the pillow and take the green key. Use the green key on the top drawer and take the magnet. Take the orange thread that is hanging on the lamp (you have to be precise). Go right.
  5. Click the rug in front of the door. It's screwed down. Use the screwdriver. Take the rug away. Combine the thread with the magnet and use them on the green pipe that is down. Go left.
  6. Use the screwdriver on the gray box. Click the dark gray circle. Put the green pipe into it. Put the green wheel on it and turn it. Take the yellow key. Go to the door.
  7. Use the key on the door handle and you're out.

Bomb Escape - 1



  1. Put the white tower on the black horse. Go back.
  2. Check the picture. It's Alfred Nobel.
  3. Put the cat puzzle together, make the cat blink (you'll get a bigger zoom), note the upside down positioned "Y"s in its eyes.
  4. Clicking on the basket or on the chair didn't do anything for me.
  5. Click on the table, click the vase, note the number 65. Take the paper from the drawer.
  6. Click on the clock, take the screwdriver.
  7. Check the drawers. In the middle one there is a game you need to complete. Don't make the ball go fast, it will always make you start again.
  8. Go back. Right beside the Mr. Nobel's portrait is a secret panel. Click it, push the red button. Go back.
  9. Click on the wall (right under the hanging chandelier), where a round white reflection is visible. Move your cursor in the area left from the light reflection and when it turns into a hand, click. A secret drawer will come out, take the key.
  10. Use the key on the cabinet door beside the drawers, take the paper. Read the question.
  11. Use the screwdriver on the plate by the bomb. The password is 1866 (the answer to the question). Take the key. Now, remember the upside down letters "Y" in the cat's eyes? Click the red buttons to create an upside down "Y" (yes, I agree, a poor solution, I tried it as a joke). Go back.
  12. Use the key on the safe like looking door next to the cat puzzle. Look at the numbers. If you add up the numbers horizontally, you get 65. It's the same with the columns (if the note with a 65 was suppose to point to this, another poor solution). So, we need to put the missing numbers. And they are: 7, 4; 13, 20; 19, 21.
  13. You see that two squares are marked (13, 20). That's the code for…? … for? For the door!

I don't know if there are two endings, I played three times and didn't find anything else to do there.

Friday, September 19, 2008