Hello, Escapers!

When I created this blog I had no intention to continue with it. It's purpose was purely practical - sending an information instantly on the web. However, I got a response immediately and it seemed like fun. I don't think that this blog will evolve much in the near future, but the idea of keeping it caught my mind, so... I'm keeping it.
Here you can check out and play my favorite Room Escape Games and some other games I like.

See you all :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Operation Theatre Escape



  1. Go to the three switches that are to the left of the bed and turn them all on. You can check out the sheet just to see who you are ;) Go right.
  2. There is a safe there, we'll find the code soon enough. Click on the books. Click on the first one, it will open. Click on the index page couple of times and it will go into your inventory. You can open the drawers, but you can't find anything yet. You can also change the time on the clock, but no results of that yet. Go right (or left) twice.
  3. Click on the cupboard and take the surgical blade. Go back. There is nothing inside the drawer. Open the cupboard door and take the scissors. Click on the fridge and look at the number lock. Does it remind you of something?
  4. Go to the oxygen cylinder and then on the round thing showing the numbers. It shows somewhere around 500. Go back, click on the switches on the right and click the left one to turn it on. Look at the numbers again and you'll see that it shows almost 2500. Remember those numbers and go back to the fridge. Put the plug and set the same numbers (inner arrow on 500, outer arrow on 2500). Open the left side of the fridge and take the medicine bottle. Go right to the computer monitor to get the code for the right side of the fridge. Look at the number - 1000 if the switch is on. Turn the switch off and look at the number on the monitor – it's 100. Go to the fridge and set the numbers on the number lock (again, inner arrow for smaller value and outer arrow for bigger value). Take the paper with test timings.
  5. Go to the bed. Make sure the light is on. Take the index page you got from the book and put it over the bed until it gets big (somewhere around the horizontal bar of the bed). Note the numbers that get red and use them on the medicine box (go right for that). So, press 6183 and take the syringe. Go back.
  6. Check the test timings. Sterilization – 6:00 a.m. Set the clock on 6:00. Go to the sterilization machine and take the needle. Put the needle in front of the syringe. Use the scissors on the medicine bottle (the lower part of the throat – sorry for the choice of words!). Use the syringe on the bottle (put it in the same line as the top of the bottle).
  7. Go to the books, open the left drawer and use the surgical blade on it. Take the flashlight. Go to the clock, set the time on 8:00. See the line just above the 3 that is pale? Click on it and the clock will turn over. Take the battery and put it into the flashlight.
  8. Set the fridge to ZERO, unplug it, turn off ALL the switches in the room, go to the door using the flashlight. To make things easier, turn the three switches off last. The third one turns off the light. After that, go back once and left twice. Use the flashlight on the red button beside the door.

You're out.

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