I am also posting the link of the web page (just click on Walkthrough above) where I played the game, because I can't take the credit for the entire walkthrough myself. This walkthrough is a result of the effort of several people (thank you J, Rosita, Nikki, Cerenthius and the others). Like this you can read all comments people made while playing this game and you can also check out all games that are posted on my favorite game place http://www.freegamesnews.com/en/. Thank you Eric!
- Click the lower part of the screen to pick an orange.
- Go right, pick the orange from the bottom shelf. Take the round brown thing from the middle shelf. Just in front of the bottom shelf there is a brown line. It's a stick, take it. Click the left side (in the middle between the top and the bottom) of the shelves, note the empty spaces. Note the yellow box.
- Go right, click the left leg of the table. You'll need pliers to get the yellow square. Take the orange. Go back. Take the key from the blue box on the shelves next to the table. Click right from the shelves, on the floor you'll find a jug with water/blue liquid.
- Go right. Remember the position of the oranges, but remember it as if they are on a 3x3 shelves. So, you need to remember to press the buttons for the shelves that are empty: 3rd (top right), 5th (middle), 6th (middle right), 7th (bottom left) and 9th (bottom right). Write it down if necessary. Now you can take all oranges. Click right beside the bottom left shelf. Use the key on the box, take the screwdriver. Click beside the bottom right shelf, use the stick to take the battery.
- Go right. Use screwdriver on grid under the clock. Take red shape.
- Go right. Use the pattern on the box. Take the pliers.
- Go right, use pliers to get the yellow square. Go left, click the left side of tall shelves to get a view to the empty shapes. Put the brown shape in the blue liquid to turn it blue. Put all shapes in place, go back. You see numbers 6 (blue), 4 (red) and 2 (yellow). Go to the panel by the door.
- Every place where the lines of the numbers meet (as if they were written one on top of another) you get a new color. I can't remember which game had the same solution recently. There is one place where they all overlap and there use white (or brown, you can read J's explanation in comment No. 70 on http://www.freegamesnews.com/en/?p=4861&cp=2#comments). Open the panel, put the battery inside, click on the door.
You're out.
Sorry for the sloppy work.
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